Thursday, February 23, 2012

Elcie, Delcie, SunRae turns 21

My baby girl is turning twenty-one in a few days. I remember so clearly the day she was born, I had my little boy and now a baby girl, one of each! She was a precious baby with a rose bud mouth and full cheeks, it was like having a real live baby doll. When she was around a year and a half I noticed that she seemed to always be talking to herself, laughing out loud in her crib and in her own language having complete conversations with someone. I used to tell people she was talking to her angels. When she was around two we got the name of the first 'angel', it was Michael Jackson. No kidding... she would insist that I feed Michael Jackson and that I talk to him as well, one time I accidentally shut the car door on Michael Jackson and we both almost ended up in life long therapy. I would get so stressed out, thinking there must be something wrong with her, looking back I think that was just the silliness of a young Mother. Soon, Michael Jackson had a friend, she called this one Tommy, it was bad enough worrying about overlooking MJ but now I had Tommy as well. Our family was growing... we all took it in stride, her brother even asked about them on a regular basis and her Ooh Mom and Pop Pop would always act as if this was completely normal. Well, one day she informed me that there was a third!! I thought at this point we may be kicked out of the Mom's day out program, after all I was only paying for one... and Lord only knows how much I needed that Mom's day out!! The third was named MacGyver. Now, I have no idea where she came up with MJ at two or Tommy but I am pretty sure I know where she got the name MacGyver since that was her brothers favorite TV program. Life settled into a routine with my adorable baby girl and her three side kicks. The only time she ever pitched a major fit in public was at the grocery store one day when she said that MJ ate all her animal crackers... that was the only time I know that she ever got upset with any of them, most of the time she was laughing and grinning, even in her sleep. I do believe with all my heart they were Angels. For whatever reason, and I hope one day to know, she needed them to be physically with her. She also had this babydoll she carried everywhere till one day the head split open and there was no repair, so she was OK with carrying just babydoll's dress. She would put her two middle fingers in her mouth and have the corner of the doll dress wrapped around her thumb. One day we were in the front yard, Kelsey and her brother were riding around in his firetruck, Evan driving, her with her babydoll dress and passengers, her Daddy and I were washing the car; when from no where the most beautiful golden retriever I have ever seen came heading down our street right toward the fire truck. I had no time to re-act, the dog just grabbed the babydoll dress (leaving just a tear of fabric) from Kelsey and took off back up the street. Her Daddy tried to find the dog but we NEVER saw it again. Kelsey seemed to be in some type of three year old shock. The next morning, (and I swear this is a true story) I went into her room to say good morning and get her up and as always I said good morning to the three tag-a-longs as well. Kelsey looked me straight in the eye and said, “its OK Mommy they had to go away”. She never spoke of them again. She to this day has no recollection of them. At first I thought I was living the twilight zone, but I soon had such a peace about it, I knew they had a purpose to love and comfort my child and that their work was done. Kelsey has always been very spiritual, she loves deeply, and she is so brave, she has had her share of hurts and disappointments in her 21 years, but she has handled them with grace and beauty. As a mother, there have been times when I would pray that if I could not protect her or be with her, please Lord, send MJ, Tommy and MacGyver. I am sure that He has.... and will again. She is my daughter, she is my friend, she is someone I know will tell me the truth whether I want to hear it or not. She has made me laugh, she has made me cry, she has made me madder than a wet cat, but oh how she has brought me joy!!! Kelsey, Elsie, Delcie, SunRae, I am so very honored that God blessed me to be your Mother.
Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, all true, not to mention she is a very strong willed girl!
