Thursday, February 23, 2012

Remember when?

I went to the bonus daughter’s chorus concert at her high school tonight. It made me reminisce about my high school days, oh so long ago. You know back in the days of no cell phones, no texting, not even call waiting, no iPad, no computer, no kindle, no iPod.... geez how on earth did we do it? Texting in those days were the notes hand written in class and passed in the hall, there was no lol, but there were plenty of bffs. I would sit by the phone praying that either it would ring, or that my Mom would finally hang up so that I could use it. We would spend hours TALKING, you know voice to voice... you could actually tell if the person you were talking to was happy or sad; you got the context of their words. Music was played on the stereo, real Albums, and even 45's..... I remember buying 10 at a time at Richway, and when Turtles (record store) came along  it was heaven! There was no microwave, my family sat down at the table every night for a dinner that my Mom cooked, most of the time with friends or an Uncle or two joining us. There was no blue ray, VCR, and lord how did we live without cable or reality TV? Either I was really naive or there simply wasn't the nastiness of mean girls like there is today. I mean, I remember jealousy and some cattiness here and there, but nothing like what goes on today. I enjoyed high school; I met fantastic people in high school. I even graduated with one that would become the love of my life. We did not have Facebook or Twitter and although I am glad we didn't, I do appreciate it now because it has brought many of those fantastic people back into my life. Would we all have been the same? I doubt it, and even without all the fabulous technology around today, I still think we had the glory days... I would much rather have my first ‘I love you’ be by voice rather than by text.....just saying.

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