Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankfulness from Sugarville

Gratitude.... my heart overflows with so much to be Thankful for:

First and above all, my salvation and knowing that God loves me so much in spite of my crazy self.  I know I must make him shake his head in confusion at least once a day, but how crazy great is his love??

My handsome, wonderful, extremely patient husband. It took us awhile to find each other but boy isn't the time together precious!!  I know I have turned your world upside down, and you are still at times trying to figure out my language, but honey the adventure is just beginning, so hold on.....

I am thankful for my crazy, wonderful family. When my Dad died, we could have imploded, but we are stronger than ever.  My Mother, Brother and Sister have always had my back and I am so thankful for every second they have shared with me through this journey. My precious sister in law, what a heart of gold, on days when I was so weak,  there you would be with words of strength and encouragement. My precious nieces and nephews, what joy you bring into the world, you are all amazing creatures and I am smiling just thinking of each of you.

My children; My brave, sweet son, so much like his Pop Pop, how I miss you each and every day but I am so thankful for God trusting me enough to be your Mother. I must say you taught me much along the way, especially patience and humor.
My Daughter, how thankful I am for your sweet, spirit. Your heart as big as the ocean, so thankful that hardly a day passes that we do not talk. You are and will always be my sunshine.
My Daughter in Law, what a match for my Evan you are. I am so thankful that he found the love of his life and that we get to love you just as much!!
My three bonus children, I know you have no idea what to think of me, and we are still learning our way, but I am thankful for you being so gracious to the "little person". I pray that I will always bring laughter and joy in your world .

My amazing friends, weather it was for a 'season' or for a lifetime, how blessed and thankful I am for each and everyone of you.  Time passes quickly, so I hope that with age I have learned to be a better friend. If I have hurt any of you along the way, and I am sure I have, please know that I ask for forgiveness.

So, many, many things to be thankful for, not just this time of year but always. There may be a storm brewing in your life at some point, but storms ALWAYS end and everything is washed clean . New beginnings, oh how thankful I am for new beginnings.
May it be a "sweet" Thanksgiving!!

 P.S. The beautiful photography is furnished by my wonderful husband, Michael. (http://www.mrhatch.com/)

1 comment:

  1. It's really nice to see you so happy again and I'm sure your happiness is here to stay! You honestly deserve it.
