Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day!!!  Make a difference, vote. It doesn't matter if you are Democrat (though I may have a question on the sanity) Republican, or even Libertarian . Lord knows we have been hammered with ads that make me want to pull my  ever changing hair out of my head, signs that make our beautiful land cluttered with cardboard, and the very newest of campaigning.......yep....  the recorded phone message. They are tricky little things, some look like a cell phone number, so just when I think some fantastic publisher is calling me I get none other that Roy Barns. Now, between us, I would like to tell Roy Barns a thing or two, for that matter I would like to tell them all a thing or two, but no no no, they make it so you can't talk back!!! The nerve. I think everyone should have the opportunity to leave them a voice mail responding to the lovely messages that tied up our lines for hours.  Anyway, what I wanted to say today about voting is this:  the most important thing for a Sugar Hill girl is to pick the right voting outfit. Boots are a must, just in case the person in front of you needs a stiff kick in the buttocks. No low waisted jeans, sometimes you have to bend over to look closely at the fine print, no bangles on the wrist that may cause a distraction( I love bangles and Lord knows I have caused a distraction or two wearing them) no loud lipstick, only gloss or soft pinks, that way if you get into a political debate and have to say an ugly word at least it comes from a pretty mouth. A jacket with pockets is a must!!  You need to have your eyeglasses that no one knows you need to read the ballot, and yes, even with the glasses I still  need to bend over....  tissues because there is plenty on the ballot to cry about, and if you are like me and still looking for a new friend you should carry a few pieces of candy in case there is a line and you want to be friendly.  Now, my last word on the outfit, wear that tight fitting old glory t-shirt underneath that jacket. Be proud to be a woman and have the privilege to vote , let your sweet southern voice be heard all over this land!!! 
Till Next Time!!

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