Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Jesus loves the little children

A year ago, on a Sunday morning, I am pretty sure that I was losing my mind while sitting in church, when the Pastor asked for people to volunteer to teach in the children's ministry. He wanted people to commit right then and there, like get out of your seat, walk down here to the front and sign up. YOU KNOW UP FRONT WHERE THE CAMERAS CAN SEE YOU, SO WE HAVE IT ON TAPE. Now, for those who don't know me, I sit on the back row for a reason, I want to be invisible, I want to worship quietly, have no one witness the ugly mess I become as the worship team moves me to tears, plus the fact that the air vent blows right on me when the hot flash decides to come to church with me. I am comfortable there, and I don't MOVE. Well, on this given Sunday, without first consulting the smarter half of me, GT guy, I got up and marched myself to the front of the church and signed both of our names to teach 3 year olds. After church as we sat in the madness of leaving a church parking lot, he calmly turned to me with that look on his face and said, "Lucy, what have you done?" 

Panic began creeping into my bones, what had I done? It would be a year commitment, and we both take commitment very seriously. I was missing my Grandchildren that had up until recently lived only 15 minutes away, but due to parents that loved and needed their careers they were now 8 hours away living literally in a Magic Kingdom, where Cinderella and Mickey are their new neighbors. Visits are few, and FaceTime is great but it can’t give you a hug or that sweet precious aroma of a grandchild.

So, we started our journey into the preschool ministry. Wow, so many things have changed since ours were that little; computer sign in with stickers for the child and the parent, background checks, emergency policies, all great and much needed things in today’s crazy world but also kind of sad too. You don't really get a chance to know the parents’ names because you are too busy matching stickers and making sure that the children collect all of that mornings projects before leaving.

On our first Sunday, we quickly felt our age (50 something); tiny tables, tiny chairs, sitting on the floor in crisscross applesauce style, the children were little (newly three) and we would have to squat to hear their tiny voices with our not so great hearing. There were tears at the door, letting go of Mom and Dad, there were some growing pains for all of us those first few weeks, and I thought to myself, ok Lord, am I in the right place?

After a few weeks, we found ourselves buying floor puzzles and treats, and we were talking about the children by their NAMES. We were attached! I found myself looking forward to looking at the lesson plans and learning the bible verse, looking forward to seeing their sweet faces as they worshiped in big group in song and watching them listen to the story. I even found myself going back to my own time as a child in Sunday School and how much I loved Miss Rhetta and Miss Francis. I loved hearing the simplicity of the stories, told so that a child can take it to heart, and believe me they do. I loved watching how these children see no race, no color, no language barriers, how they care for one another when one is hurting, or how they give up that baby doll that they love so much because a friend wants to play with it. I loved watching them turn from 3 to 4 and how their tiny hands that just scribbled at first were now coloring works of art and signing their names, I loved watching my 6’2” husband on the floor with kids climbing on top of him like he was a mountain with pure joy in their eyes, or the time he had to stay home because he was sick, they immediately asked me, " where is Mr. Michael?"  I loved that by the end of the year the ones that were so hesitant walked in and ran into our arms for hugs, that the little girl that would never say a word was now our master puzzle solver and always had a grin on her face. I loved handing them back to their parents, and seeing how much they are loved and cherished, and hearing thank you for taking care of our child. My heart ACHED a little when a Grandparent picked up a child, oh what I would give to spend every Sunday with my two.

The time flew by, the year was up, changes are coming, our little group is moving up and we are also a year older with new issues that life has thrown us, so we are not serving in the children's ministry for now. Our last Sunday was sparse, I am sure that parents are getting ready for their kids going back to school and most of ours would be starting pre-K.  I wanted to tell every parent, thank you! Thank you for sharing your child!

Oh, the lessons I have learned. You see, sometimes we think that we are serving to meet someone else's need when God knows that he is meeting ours.


  1. Now we know why you haven't posted this past year... loved it!

  2. This was wonderful and they were just as lucky to have y'all as y'all to have them . 💞

  3. I loved reading this! It's a nice look into your adventure and how teaching taught you about love and especially Christ's love. I know one thing it takes two young people to keep up with three year olds! I couldn't do it!

  4. Thank you for writing again, don't stop.
