Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Girls Day Out

The snow and ice are finally melting away here in Sugarville. It was beautiful and nice for the first day but by day five it was wearing a little thin on this GRIT girl's nerves. Granted, GT boy likes an adventure so we did have to get out on the roads a time or two. I could see the excitement and grin come across his eyes each and every time the tires started to spin a little. Of course I had a death grip on my seat and a look of holy terror in my eyes, wondering why on earth I felt the need to even be in the car, and wondering if the paramedics had to come would I have on the right shade of lipstick..... 

I must say though, he is a good sport.  The day we finally decided to spend the day out, I convinced him to get a pedicure with me. He has felt my pain long enough over not having a girlfriend up here so he decided that he would be my girlfriend for the day. My GT guy went in there like he has been doing it all his life, he didn't even blink an eye when they asked him if he wanted to pick a color.... pulled off his big old boots, his hiking socks, and dipped those huge feet into the water.  I have never laughed so hard watching them scrub the bottom of his feet and him jumping in the chair like a six foot 2 Mexican jumping bean.  I am sure at that point he was having second thoughts but I was just getting our day started.......  all true GRIT girls know that you just don't go get a pedicure and go home...  you must go shopping, and stop somewhere to talk about everything... so we went to a great little furniture/consignment shop and he did well pretending to show some interest in some items, but I must say this, we do not have the same taste.  The shopping experience was cut short by a "LOUD TALKER", you know the type, walks into a store talking non stop on their cell phone and not even in a courteous discreet voice but in one of those, I want everyone in Georgia to hear my conversation voices. I tried to get close enough to say, "Bless your Heart" but she was in her own little cell phone world, and my temper was about to come through so GT guy ushered me right out the door.  Then we had to go to Starbucks and get a salted caramel hot chocolate, yummy. There we sat and talked about the future, the past and the Lady sitting across from us that had on way too much lipstick, and way too dark. We went for a nice freezing walk in the park, I of course could not ruin my pedi so I had to walk in my flip flops, which confused GT guy because he said what good is the pedicure if you have frost bite... men.  We ended up at Ippolito's for a wonderful dinner, where I convinced him that we should go home and watch Beauty and The Beast, and give me a foot massage.  Gotta love a man that will do all that for his Lady.   I am sure there is some boy movie I will have to go see in my near future, maybe several, throw in a trip to FRY's and REI and a conversation on the types of camera lenses and how they work. Love is an amazing thing when done right.  I thank God every single day for the love of my GT guy. He can be my girlfriend any day of the week!!


  1. Awesome...keep on writing, girlfriend!!!

  2. You are hilarious!! Your blog brightens my busy days, i almost feel like I know you and are best friends, please please please keep them coming!
